Arroyo Grande City Council – D3

Running for Arroyo Grande City Council to represent District 3
Marlea Harmon has lived on the central coast for over three decades. Born and raised in Sacramento, she moved to Arroyo Grande after completing her studies at UC Davis. While raising her family, she also spent over thirty years working as an engineer and project manager in the oil industry until her retirement in 2021.
Following her retirement, she began observing local politics and the behavior of some local elected officials and bureaucrats. She then decided to volunteer as an election-counting process watcher which raised great concern. This inspired her to create a group of concerned citizens who keep an eye on local politics with the goal of holding our elected officials and bureaucrats accountable.
This deeper dive led to a concern regarding election irregularities, fiscal irresponsibility, and government overreach that included social justice initiatives like unjust mandates, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) as well as forced acceptance of elected officials personal ideologies and dictates. She felt she had to get involved in order to restore American values and constitutional law to our beloved community.
Once elected to the Arroyo Grande City Council, her goal is to get back to business. She believes there are better ways to manage our beautiful City that do not include new taxes.